Applied Physics Online Bits

1. Hydrogen bond is an example for
(a) Primary bond
(b) Secondary bond
(c) Electrostatic bond
(d) Dispersion bond
2. Pure and dry ionic solids are
(a) Insulators
(b) Good conductors
(c) Semi-conductors
(d) Superconductors
3. 4.4 eV of energy is required to break one H-Cl bond. This is equal to
(a) 7.04 × 10−19 ergs
(b) 7.04 × 10−19J
(c) 3.52 × 10−19 ergs
(d) 3.52 × 10−19J
4. In NaCl and CsCl, the basis is
(a) Triatomic
(b) Monoatomic
(c) a molecule
(d) Diatomic
5. The lattice parameters of a certain crystal system are abc and abg . Identify the crystal system.
(a) hexagonal
(b) trigonal
(c) tetragonal
(d) triclinic
6. A substance with face centered cubic lattice has density 3.25 Kg/m3 and molecular weight 30.1. Its lattice constant
is (Avogadro’s number = 6.02 × 1023 per mol)
(a) 2 AU
(b) 6 AU
(c) 8 AU
(d) 4 AU
7. Atomic packing factor of diamond structure is
(a) 0.74
(b) 0.68
(c) 0.52
(d) 0.34
8. The length of a body diagonal of a cubic structure having 6 AU lattice parameter is
(a) 6p2AU
(b) 6AU
(c) 9AU
(d) 6p3AU
9. The radius of the atoms is 2.3 nm. If a BCC structure is obtained with such atoms, the lattice parameter is
(a) 2.65 nm
(b) 4.60 nm
(c) 5.31 nm
(d) 2.30 nm
10. If the lattice parameter a = 3.2 nm, for an FCC structure, the atomic radius is
(a) 4.53 nm
(b) 0.44 nm
(c) 2.26 nm
(d) 1.13 nm
11. The relation between the lattice parameter (x) and the atomic radius (r) in the case of diamond structure is
(a) 2r = x
(b) 4r =xp2
(c) 4r = xp3
(d) 8r = xp3
12. The unit cell of ZnS structure has
(a) 8 Zn atoms 2 S atoms
(b) 2 Zn atoms 2 S atoms
(c) 4 Zn atoms 4 S atoms
(d) 4 Zn atoms 2 S atoms
13. The number of NaCl molecules in a unit cell of NaCl is
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 2
14. The basis of CsCl has one Cl− ion at ( 1
2 , 1
2 , 1
2 ) and Cs+ ion at
(a) (1/3,1/3,1/3)
(b) (1/4,1/4,1/4)
(c) (1/2,1/2,1/2)
(d) (O,O,O)
15. The planes (1 1 2) and (2 2 4) are
(a) lying side by side
(b) parallel to each other
(c) perpendicular to each other
(d) intersecting at an angle other than 90o
16. Crystal directions are indicated by
(a) h k l
(b) [h k l]
(c) [h, k, l]
(d) (h k l)
17. The interplanar separation for a set of planes (100) of a cubic crystal with lattice parameter ‘a’, is
(a) ap2
(b) a
(c) a/2
(d) ap3
18. The velocity of X-rays is equal to
(a) The velocity of sound at 100o C in air
(b) The velocity of light
(c) The velocity of sound at 30o C in air
(d) The velocity of sound at 0o C in air
19. Bragg angle reflections corresponding to (111) in a cubic crystal are same as
(a) (110)
(b) (101)
(c) (100)
(d) (222)
20. The wrong statement among the following is
(a) in Laue method monochromatic X-ray beam is used
(b) in Laue method white X-radiation is used
(c) in rotating crystal method monochromatic X-ray beam is used
(d) in powder method monochromatic X-ray beam is used


1. Hydrogen bond is an example for
(a) Electrostatic bond
(b) Secondary bond
(c) Primary bond
(d) Dispersion bond
2. The element which has covalently bonded crystal structure is
(a) tin
(b) sodium chloride
(c) aluminum
(d) germanium
3. The condition for minimum potential energy between two atoms, is
(a) n > m
(b) n+m = 0
(c) m > n
(d) n = m
4. If the atoms or molecules in a solid are periodically at regular spacings in three dimensions then that solid is known
(a) metallic solid
(b) non-metallic solid
(c) Amorphous solid
(d) Crystalline solid
5. For mono-clinic crystal system, the lattice parameters are
(a) a = b = c; = =
= 90o
(b) a 6= b 6= c; = = 90o 6= g
(c) a 6= b = c; = =
= 90o
(d) a = b = c; = =
6= 90o
6. There is only one Bravias lattice for the crystal system of
(a) Monoclinic
(b) Cubic
(c) Tetragonal
(d) Triclinic
7. The crystal structure which has the highest packing factor is
(a) BCC
(b) Diamond
(c) SC
(d) FCC
8. The lattice parameter of a simple cubie structure is 3.6 nm. The radius of the atoms with which the crystal is
composed, is equal to
(a) 3.6 nm
(b) 1.8 nm
(c) 7.2 nm
(d) 0.9 nm
9. If the lattice parameter a = 1.25 nm for a BCC structure, the nearest neighbour distance, is
(a) 0.44 nm
(b) 0.88 nm
(c) 1.08 nm
(d) 0.54 nm
10. If the lattice parameter a = 3.2 nm, for an FCC structure, the atomic radius is
(a) 0.44 nm
(b) 4.53 nm
(c) 1.13 nm
(d) 2.26 nm
11. If ‘x’ is the lattice parameter of a diamond structure, the number of atoms per unit volume is
(a) 4/x3
(b) 2/x3
(c) 8/x3
(d) 1/x3
12. Zinc blende structure is almost identical to
(a) NaCl structure
(b) KCl structure
(c) diamond structure
(d) CsC1 structure
13. The bond energy of NaCl molecule is
(a) 6.5 eV
(b) 5.5 eV
(c) 3.5 eV
(d) 4.5 eV
14. The coordinates of chlorine ion in CsCl structure are
(a) 1/2, 1/2, 1/2
(b) 1, 1, 1
(c) 2, 2, 2
(d) 0, 0, 1
15. Miller indices of the plane parallel to Z axis is
(a) (001)
(b) (101)
(c) (111)
(d) (110)
16. The direction opposite to [102] is
(a) [2 0 1]
(b) [1 0 2]
(c) [2 0 1]
(d) [2 0 4]
17. In a simple cubic lattice d100 : d110 : d111 is
(a) 61/2: 31/2: 21/2
(b) 61/2: 31/2: 41/2
(c) 6: 3: 2
(d) 6: 3: 21/2
18. The velocity of X-rays is equal to
(a) The velocity of sound at 100o C in air
(b) The velocity of sound at 0o C in air
(c) The velocity of sound at 30o C in air
(d) The velocity of light
19. The Bragg’s law for constructive interference is
(a) n = 2d sin 
(b) 2d = n sin 
(c) d = 2
(d) nd = 2  sin 
20. Using X-ray powder diffraction the can be determined
(a) Size of atom
(b) Size of crystal
(c) Interatomic distance
(d) Interplanar distance


1. Hydrogen bond is an example for
(a) Primary bond
(b) Electrostatic bond
(c) Secondary bond
(d) Dispersion bond
2. The material which has covalent bond is
(a) Na
(b) Al
(c) NaCl
(d) Ge
3. The potential energy at infinite internuclear separation of atoms is
(a) minimum
(b) maximum
(c) Zero
(d) infinity
4. If the atoms or molecules in a solid are periodically at regular spacings in three dimensions then that solid is known
(a) Amorphous solid
(b) metallic solid
(c) Crystalline solid
(d) non-metallic solid
5. The lattice parameters of a certain crystal system are abc and abg . Identify the crystal system.
(a) tetragonal
(b) trigonal
(c) triclinic
(d) hexagonal
6. If n1, n2 and n3 are integers and a , b and c are fundamental translation vectors, then the translation vector for
three dimensional lattice can be written as
(a) T = a − b−c
(b) T = n1 + n2 + n3
(c) T = a + b + c
(d) T = n1a + n2b + n3c
7. The packing factor of diamond is
(a) 74%
(b) 52%
(c) 68%
(d) 34%
8. The length of a body diagonal of a cubic structure having 6 AU lattice parameter is
(a) 6p3AU
(b) 6AU
(c) 6p2AU
(d) 9AU
9. In a body centered cubic structure the length of unit cell edge (a) in terms of the radius (r) of the atom is
(a) a = 4rp3
(b) a = 2r
(c) a = 8rp3
(d) a = 4rp2
10. If the nearest neighbour distance of an FCC structure is 2.00 nm, then the lattice parameter is
(a) 1.42 nm
(b) 2.13 nm
(c) 0.71 nm
(d) 2.83 nm
11. The relation between the lattice parameter (x) and the atomic radius (r) in the case of diamond structure is
(a) 8r = xp3
(b) 2r = x
(c) 4r =xp2
(d) 4r = xp3
12. The compound which has cubie ZnS structure is
(a) MgO
(b) KCl
(c) CuCl
(d) NaCl
13. If 0.64 nm is the inter-ionic distance of NaCl crystal the lattice parameter is
(a) 0.56 nm
(b) 0.14 nm
(c) 1.28 nm
(d) 2.62 nm
14. The Bravais lattice of CsCl is
(a) base centered cubic
(b) simple cubic
(c) body centered cubic
(d) face centered cubic
15. The plane (100) is parallel to
(a) Y and Z axis
(b) X axis
(c) X and Y axis
(d) X and Z axis
16. Crystal directions are indicated by
(a) [h, k, l]
(b) [h k l]
(c) h k l
(d) (h k l)
17. In a simple cubic lattice d100 : d110 : d111 is
(a) 6: 3: 2
(b) 61/2: 31/2: 21/2
(c) 61/2: 31/2: 41/2
(d) 6: 3: 21/2
18. The velocity of X-rays is equal to
(a) The velocity of sound at 100o C in air
(b) The velocity of sound at 30o C in air
(c) The velocity of sound at 0o C in air
(d) The velocity of light
19. The relation 2d sin = n is known as
(a) Bragg’s law
(b) Curie’s law
(c) Coulomb’s law
(d) Snell’s law
20. X-ray powder method is usually carried for
(a) amorphous materials
(b) crystalline materials
(c) polycrystalline materials
(d) any material


1. When the chemical bond is stronger
(a) the melting point is infinity
(b) the melting point is high
(c) the melting point is low
(d) the melting point is zero
2. The type of bonding in Ge is
(a) Hydrozen bond
(b) Ionic
(c) Metallic
(d) Covalent
3. At equilibrium condition a diatomic molecule possesses
(a) Minimum potential energy
(b) zero potential energy
(c) Maximum energy
(d) Maximum potential energy
4. The number of lattice points in a primitive cell is
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 4
(d) 3
5. The lattice parameters in a Cubic System are
(a) a = b 6= c , = =
= 900
(b) a=b=c, = =
6= 90o
(c) a = b= c, = =
= 900
(d) a 6= b 6= c, = =
= 900
6. The relation between density , lattice parameter a, molecular weight M, number of atoms per unit cell n and
Avogadro number N is
(a) a3 = nM/N
(b) a3 = nN/M
(c) MN = na
(d) M/N = a3
7. The packing factor of BCC structure is
(a) 74%
(b) 52%
(c) 68%
(d) 34%
8. Among the following the only element crystallizes into SC structure is
(a) Aluminium
(b) Sodium
(c) Germanium
(d) Polonium
9. If the lattice parameter a = 1.25 nm for a BCC structure, the nearest neighbour distance, is
(a) 0.54 nm
(b) 1.08 nm
(c) 0.88 nm
(d) 0.44 nm
10. If the lattice parameter a = 3.2 nm, for an FCC structure, the nearest neighbour distance, is
(a) 0.44 nm
(b) 4.53 nm
(c) 2.26 nm
(d) 1.13 nm
11. The coordination number of Germanium is
(a) 8
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 12
12. The compound GaAs has the structure identical to that of
(a) NaCl
(b) KCl
(c) MgO
(d) ZnS
13. If 0.64 nm is the inter-ionic distance of NaCl crystal the lattice parameter is
(a) 0.14 nm
(b) 2.62 nm
(c) 1.28 nm
(d) 0.56 nm
14. The cesium chloride structure is the combination of
(a) two SC structures
(b) two FCC structures
(c) two HCP structures
(d) two BCC structures
15. In a crystal lattice a plane make the intercepts 3a, 4b on x- and y-axes respectively and is parallel to z-axis. Then
the plane is represented as
(a) (4 3 0)
(b) (4 0 3)
(c) (0 4 3)
(d) (3 4 0)
16. [2 1 1] is the direction that connects the origin (0 0 0) and the point
(a) (1 1/2 1/2 )
(b) (1/2 1 1)
(c) (1 1 2)
(d) (1 2 2)
17. The interplanar separation (d) in tetragonal crystal is
(a) d = 1 qh2+k2+l2
(b) d = 1 qh2+k2
a2 + l2
(c) d = 1 qh2
a2 +k2l2
(d) d = 1 qh2
a2 +k2
b2 + l2
18. The frequency of X-rays is
(a) Lower than ultraviolet rays
(b) Equal to ultraviolet rays
(c) Higher than ultraviolet rays
(d) Infinity
19. The relation 2d sin = n is known as
(a) Coulomb’s law
(b) Bragg’s law
(c) Curie’s law
(d) Snell’s law
20. The X-ray diffraction method in which continuous X-rays are used is
(a) Interference method
(b) Laue method
(c) rotating crystal method
(d) powder method


1. The ionization energy of sodium atom is
(a) 6.0 eV
(b) 4.5 eV
(c) 3.6 eV
(d) 5.1 eV
2. One of the examples for covalent bond is
(a) NaCl
(b) H2O
(c) HCl
(d) LiF
3. The relation for the potential energy U(r) of a diatom is
(where ‘r’ is the inter nuclear separation, n, m are positive numbers, and a, b are positive constants.)
(a) U(r) = (-a/rm) + (b/rn)
(b) U(r) = (-a/rm) - (b/rn)
(c) U(r) = arm - brn
(d) U(r) = -arm + brn
4. The group of atoms associated with a lattice point, is called
(a) lattice
(b) space lattice
(c) crystal
(d) basis
5. If a = b 6= c, = =
= 90o the crystal is
(a) Tetragonal
(b) Triclinic
(c) Cubic
(d) Orthorhombic
6. The total number of Bravais lattices possible in all seven crystal systems, is
(a) 7
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 14
7. The packing factor of BCC structure is
(a) 74%
(b) 68%
(c) 52%
(d) 34%
8. An example for simple cubie structure, is
(a) Sodium
(b) Aluminium
(c) Polonium
(d) Zinc
9. The number of atoms per unit cell of a BCC structure is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 3
10. The number of atoms per unit cell in the case of FCC, is
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 1
(d) 2
11. The coordination number of diamond is
(a) five
(b) four
(c) six
(d) seven
12. The Bravais lattice of ZnS is
(a) face centered cubic
(b) body centered cubic
(c) simple cubic
(d) hexagonal close packed
13. The Bravais lattice of NaCl is
(a) BCC
(b) FCC
(c) Simple Cube
(d) HCP
14. The basis of CsCl has one Cl− ion at ( 1
2 , 1
2 , 1
2 ) and Cs+ ion at
(a) (O,O,O)
(b) (1/2,1/2,1/2)
(c) (1/4,1/4,1/4)
(d) (1/3,1/3,1/3)
15. A plane intercepts at (a, b/2, 3c) in a simple cubic unit cell. The Miller indices of the plane are
(a) (3 6 1)
(b) (1 2 3)
(c) (2 6 1)
(d) (1 3 2)
16. [2 1 1] is the direction that connects the origin (0 0 0) and the point
(a) (1 2 2)
(b) (1 1/2 1/2 )
(c) (1 1 2)
(d) (1/2 1 1)
17. The interplanar separation for a set of planes (221) of a cubic crystal with lattice parameter of 6 A.U. is
(a) 3 A.U.
(b) 2 A.U.
(c) 1 A.U.
(d) 6 A.U.
18. The crystal acts as a three-dimensional grating in
(a) Fraunhofar diffraction
(b) X-ray diffraction
(c) Fresnel diffraction
(d) Thomson’s experiment
19. The longest wavelength of X-rays which produce diffraction, when incident on crystal planes of spacing 1 A.U. is
(a) 1 A.U
(b) 4 A.U
(c) 2 A.U
(d) 3 A.U
20. In the powder pattern of X-ray diffraction of a cubic crystal
(a) the second order reflections do not occur
(b) the third order reflections do not occur
(c) the first order reflections of (200) planes and second order reflection of (100) planes coincide
(d) the first order reflection lines of (300) planes and first order of (110) planes coincide


1. The kind of force between atoms in a solid
(a) both attractive and repulsive forces
(b) neutral forces
(c) repulsive forces only
(d) attractive forces only
2. The bond between positive ion and the negative ion is
(a) Co-ordinate Covalent Bond
(b) Covalent Bond
(c) Ionic Bond
(d) Metallic Bond
3. The potential energy at infinite internuclear separation of atoms is
(a) minimum
(b) infinity
(c) Zero
(d) maximum
4. The number of lattice points in a primitive cell is
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) 4
5. The number of lattice parameters required to define a crystal structure is
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 6
(d) 12
6. Total number of Bravais lattices, is
(a) 14
(b) 8
(c) 7
(d) 21
7. Highest packing factor occurs in
(a) Body centre cubic crystal
(b) Face centre cubic crystal
(c) Diamond
(d) Simple cubic crystals
8. If one of the lattice parameters = 90o for a cubic structure, is equal to
(a) 90o
(b) 60o
(c) 45o
(d) 30o
9. If the lattice parameter a = 1.25 nm for a BCC structure, the nearest neighbour distance, is
(a) 1.08 nm
(b) 0.88 nm
(c) 0.44 nm
(d) 0.54 nm
10. Highly close packed structure is
(a) BCC
(b) Polinium
(c) FCC
(d) SC
11. The coordination number of diamond is
(a) four
(b) seven
(c) five
(d) six
12. The Bravais lattice of ZnS is
(a) simple cubic
(b) body centered cubic
(c) hexagonal close packed
(d) face centered cubic
13. If ro is the equilibrium spacing, the potential energy (V) of NaCl molecule is given by the relation
(a) V = −e/4"oro
(b) V = −e2/4"oro
(c) V = e2/4"or2
(d) V = e/4"oro
14. CsCl structure is almost identical to
(a) KCl
(b) CuCl
(c) LiHg
(d) NaCl
15. The Miller indices of a plane parallel to Y-axis and having X and Z intercepts at 3 and 2 are
(a) (3 0 2)
(b) (2 0 3)
(c) (2 0 3 )
(d) ( 3 0 2 )
16. The direction opposite to [102] is
(a) [2 0 4]
(b) [1 0 2]
(c) [2 0 1]
(d) [2 0 1]
17. If (h k l) are the Miller indices of a plane in a cubic crystal of lattice constant “a”. The separation between the
parallel planes relating to (h k l) is
(a) a / h. k. l
(b) a/(h + k + 1)
(c) a/(h2 + k2 + 12)
(d) a/p(h2 + k2 + 12)
18. Why crystal lattice is suitable for X-ray diffraction?
(a) Wavelength of the radiation is high
(b) Wavelength of the radiation is comparable to interplanar separation
(c) Wavelength of radiation is much larger than interplanar separation
(d) Wavelength of the radiation is very small
19. If X-rays with =1 A.U. be incident on a family of parallel planes with d=2.5 A.U., the maximum number of order
that can be observed is
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 2
(d) 4
20. In the powder pattern of X-ray diffraction of a cubic crystal
(a) the first order reflections of (200) planes and second order reflection of (100) planes coincide
(b) the third order reflections do not occur
(c) the second order reflections do not occur
(d) the first order reflection lines of (300) planes and first order of (110) planes coincide


1. At equilibrium interatomic spacing, the binding force is
(a) Maximum
(b) Zero
(c) Infinity
(d) Minimum
2. Covalent bond is formed by
(a) addition of electrons to atoms
(b) Excitation of electrons from atoms
(c) Sharing of pair of electrons between atoms
(d) Transfer of electrons from one atom to another
3. The condition for minimum potential energy between two atoms, is
(a) m > n
(b) n+m = 0
(c) n > m
(d) n = m
4. Total number of basic crystal systems, is
(a) 8
(b) 7
(c) 6
(d) 14
5. Tetragonal crystal system is represented by
(a) a 6= b 6= c, 6= 6=
6= 90o
(b) a = b = c, = =
= 90o
(c) a 6= b 6= c, = =
6= 90o
(d) a = b 6= c, = =
= 90o
6. The total number of Bravais lattices possible in all seven crystal systems, is
(a) 14
(b) 7
(c) 3
(d) 4
7. The packing factor is defined as the ratio of
(a) the number of all atoms in the unit cell to the volume of the unit cell
(b) the volume of the unit cell to the number of atoms
(c) the volume of the unit cell to the volume of all the atoms
(d) the volume of all atoms in the unit cell to the volume of the unit cell
8. An element which has simple cubic structure is
(a) Ge
(b) Polonium
(c) Si
(d) Carbon
9. If the lattice parameter a = 1.50 nm for a BCC structure, the atomic radius is
(a) 1.30 nm
(b) 0.65 nm
(c) 1.06 nm
(d) 0.53 nm
10. If the lattice parameter a = 3.2 nm, for an FCC structure, the nearest neighbour distance, is
(a) 2.26 nm
(b) 0.44 nm
(c) 4.53 nm
(d) 1.13 nm
11. If ‘x’ is the lattice parameter of a diamond structure, the number of atoms per unit volume is
(a) 8/x3
(b) 2/x3
(c) 4/x3
(d) 1/x3
12. The Zinc blende lattice can be considened to be formed by interpenetrating
(a) two FCC lattices along the body diagonal
(b) two BCC lattices along the body diagonal
(c) one BCC and one FCC along the body diagonal
(d) two simple cubic lattices along the body diagonal
13. Bond energy of NaCl is 4.5 eV. The energy in joules is
(a) 7.6 × 10−18
(b) 4.5 × 10 −19
(c) 7.2 × 10 19
(d) 7.2 × 10 −19
14. The cesium chloride structure is the combination of
(a) two FCC structures
(b) two HCP structures
(c) two SC structures
(d) two BCC structures
15. A plane parallel to the one of the co-ordinate axes has an intercept at
(a) 0
(b) the lattice parameter ‘a’
(c) 1
(d) 1
16. Crystal directions are defined as
(a) certain directions inside the crystal along which large concentration of atoms exists
(b) certain directions inside the crystal
(c) certain direction inside the crystal along which no atoms are present
(d) certain directions inside the crystal along which low concentration of atoms exists
17. In a simple cubic lattice d100 : d110 : d111 is
(a) 6: 3: 21/2
(b) 61/2: 31/2: 41/2
(c) 61/2: 31/2: 21/2
(d) 6: 3: 2
18. The velocity of X-rays is equal to
(a) The velocity of sound at 0o C in air
(b) The velocity of sound at 100o C in air
(c) The velocity of sound at 30o C in air
(d) The velocity of light
19. The Bragg’s law for constructive interference is
(a) d = 2
(b) 2d = n sin 
(c) nd = 2  sin 
(d) n = 2d sin 
20. The Laue spots close to the center of Laue photograph correspond to
(a) high index planes
(b) low index planes
(c) high Bragg angles
(d) low Bragg angles


1. The energy required to remove an electron from Na atom is
(a) 5.1 ergs
(b) 5.1 MeV
(c) 5.1 eV
(d) 5.1 Joules
2. The nature of bonding in NH3 is
(a) Ionic
(b) Covalent
(c) van der Waals
(d) Metallic
3. The potential energy of a diatom is negative, because
(a) the charges are negative
(b) atoms do work
(c) work is done on the atoms
(d) kinetic energy is zero
4. The crystal system, which exhibits all the four types of structures, is
(a) Tetragonal
(b) Cubic
(c) Hexagonal
(d) Orthorhombic
5. If a = b 6= c, = =
= 90o the crystal is
(a) Orthorhombic
(b) Tetragonal
(c) Triclinic
(d) Cubic
6. There is only one Bravias lattice for the crystal system of
(a) Tetragonal
(b) Cubic
(c) Monoclinic
(d) Triclinic
7. Highest packing factor occurs in
(a) Simple cubic crystals
(b) Diamond
(c) Face centre cubic crystal
(d) Body centre cubic crystal
8. The number of atoms per unit cell of polonium, is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6
9. An example for BCC structure, is
(a) Polonium
(b) Aluminium
(c) Zinc
(d) Sodium
10. The number of atoms per unit cell in the case of FCC, is
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 3
(d) 4
11. Diamond is an example of
(a) metallic bond
(b) covalent bond
(c) ionic bond
(d) van der Waals bond
12. Coordination number is the
(a) Number of atoms per unit cell
(b) Number unit cells per unit volume
(c) Number of nearest neighbours in a unit cell
(d) Number of distant atoms in a unit cell
13. The lattice parameters of NaCl crystal system are
(a) a = b = c; = =
6= 90o
(b) a 6= b 6= c; = =
= 90o
(c) a = b = c; = =
= 90o
(d) a = b = c; 6= 6=
6= 90o
14. The lattice of CsCl is
(a) Interpenetration of two simple cubic lattices
(b) FCC lattice
(c) Interpenertration of two FCC lattices
(d) BCC lattice
15. Miller indices represent a set of planes.
(a) bisecting
(b) perpendicular
(c) intersecting
(d) Parallel
16. [2 1 1] is the direction that connects the origin (0 0 0) and the point
(a) (1 1 2)
(b) (1 1/2 1/2 )
(c) (1/2 1 1)
(d) (1 2 2)
17. The interplanar separation for a set of planes (221) of a cubic crystal with lattice parameter of 6 A.U. is
(a) 3 A.U.
(b) 1 A.U.
(c) 6 A.U.
(d) 2 A.U.
18. Wavelength of radiation is comparable to the lattice constant of the crystal in
(a) Fraunhofar diffraction
(b) Fresnel diffraction
(c) Any diffraction
(d) X-ray diffraction
19. The longest wavelength of X-rays which produce diffraction, when incident on crystal planes of spacing 1 A.U. is
(a) 3 A.U
(b) 2 A.U
(c) 1 A.U
(d) 4 A.U
20. Debye-Scherren method of X-ray diffraction is a
(a) Laue method
(b) Three-dimensional diffraction method
(c) Rotating crystal method
(d) Powder crystal method


1. When the atoms are separated by equilibrium distance of ro, then the resultant force between atoms at ro is
(a) Maximum
(b) Negative
(c) Zero
(d) Positive
2. One of the examples for covalent bond is
(a) LiF
(b) NaCl
(c) HCl
(d) H2O
3. The potential energy of a diatom is negative, because
(a) work is done on the atoms
(b) kinetic energy is zero
(c) atoms do work
(d) the charges are negative
4. In NaCl and CsCl, the basis is
(a) Monoatomic
(b) a molecule
(c) Diatomic
(d) Triatomic
5. The lattice parameters of Rhombohedral system are
(a) a 6= b = c, = =
6= 900
(b) a = b = c, = =
6= 900
(c) a = b 6= c, = =
= 900
(d) a = b = c, = 6=
= 900
6. One of the following crystal systems having the highest Bravais lattices, is
(a) trigonal
(b) tetragonal
(c) cubic
(d) orthorhombic
7. Atomic packing factor of diamond structure is
(a) 0.68
(b) 0.74
(c) 0.34
(d) 0.52
8. The length of the body diagonal for a cube of edge p2 A.U. is
(a) p3/2AU
(b) 2 AU
(c) p2/3AU
(d) p6
9. If the lattice parameter a = 1.25 nm for a BCC structure, the nearest neighbour distance, is
(a) 0.88 nm
(b) 0.54 nm
(c) 0.44 nm
(d) 1.08 nm
10. If the nearest neighbour distance of an FCC structure is 2.00 nm, then the lattice parameter is
(a) 1.42 nm
(b) 2.83 nm
(c) 0.71 nm
(d) 2.13 nm
11. The structure of Germanium is
(a) diamond cube
(b) bcc
(c) fcc
(d) hcp
12. The number of zinc atoms in the unit cell of zinc sulphide crystal is
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 1
13. In a unit cell of NaCl, if ‘a’ is the lattice parameter the distance between the nearest like ions, is
(a) a p2
(b) a
(c) a p3
(d) a
14. The basis of CsCl has one Cl− ion at ( 1
2 , 1
2 , 1
2 ) and Cs+ ion at
(a) (1/4,1/4,1/4)
(b) (O,O,O)
(c) (1/2,1/2,1/2)
(d) (1/3,1/3,1/3)
15. The Miller indices (h k l) define
(a) a set of parallel planes
(b) a line
(c) a direction
(d) a set of perpendicular planes
16. The direction of a line perpendicular to (1 2 1) plane is
(a) [1 2 1]
(b) [1 1 2]
(c) [2 1 2]
(d) [2 1 1]
17. The distance between a set of parallel planes of Miller indices ( 0 1 0) in a cubic crystal having edge 2.0 nm, is
(a) p3nm
(b) 2p3 nm
(c) 3 nm
(d) 2.0 nm
18. The wave number of X-rays is
(a) Lower than ultraviolet rays
(b) Equal to ultraviolet rays
(c) Higher than ultraviolet rays
(d) Zero
19. In 2d Sin  = n, n is the
(a) Grating element
(b) Line of the spectrum
(c) Order of the diffraction pattern
(d) number of lines on grating
20. X-ray powder method is usually carried for
(a) amorphous materials
(b) any material
(c) polycrystalline materials
(d) crystalline materials


1. At equilibrium interatomic spacing, the binding force is
(a) Minimum
(b) Infinity
(c) Maximum
(d) Zero
2. The material which has covalent bond is
(a) NaCl
(b) Na
(c) Ge
(d) Al
3. 4.4 eV of energy is required to break one H-Cl bond. This is equal to
(a) 7.04 × 10−19 ergs
(b) 3.52 × 10−19J
(c) 3.52 × 10−19 ergs
(d) 7.04 × 10−19J
4. The total number of crystal systems which are possible in solids, is
(a) 4
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 6
5. The lattice parameters of orthorhombic crystal system, are
(a) a 6= b 6= c, = =
6= 90o
(b) a 6= b 6= c, = =
= 90o
(c) a = b = c, = =
= 90o
(d) a 6= b 6= c, 6= 6=
6= 90o
6. One of the following crystal systems having the highest Bravais lattices, is
(a) tetragonal
(b) trigonal
(c) cubic
(d) orthorhombic
7. The atomic packing factor of FCC crystal is
(a) 0.68
(b) 0.74
(c) 0.52
(d) 0.34
8. The length of a body diagonal of a cubic structure having 6 AU lattice parameter is
(a) 6AU
(b) 6p3AU
(c) 9AU
(d) 6p2AU
9. If the lattice parameter a = 1.25 nm for a BCC structure, the nearest neighbour distance, is
(a) 0.54 nm
(b) 1.08 nm
(c) 0.88 nm
(d) 0.44 nm
10. If the nearest neighbour distance of an FCC structure is 2.00 nm, then the lattice parameter is
(a) 2.83 nm
(b) 0.71 nm
(c) 1.42 nm
(d) 2.13 nm
11. Diamond is an example of
(a) metallic bond
(b) ionic bond
(c) covalent bond
(d) van der Waals bond
12. Coordination number is the
(a) Number of atoms per unit cell
(b) Number of nearest neighbours in a unit cell
(c) Number of distant atoms in a unit cell
(d) Number unit cells per unit volume
13. The number of molecules in a unit cell of NaCl crystal is
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 2
(d) 6
14. The crystal structure of CsCl
(a) simple cubic
(b) Base centered
(c) body centered
(d) face centred
15. Crystal planes and directions can be represented by a set of small integers
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 0
16. The direction that connects the origin and (1/3, 1/3, 2/3) point is
(a) [3 2 2]
(b) [1 1 2]
(c) [2 1 1]
(d) [3 3 3]
17. In a simple cubic lattice d100 : d110 : d111 is
(a) 6: 3: 2
(b) 61/2: 31/2: 21/2
(c) 61/2: 31/2: 41/2
(d) 6: 3: 21/2
18. The crystal structure can be determine by
(a) Optical diffraction
(b) X-ray diffraction
(c) Interference
(d) Polarization
19. In 2d Sin  = n, n is the
(a) Grating element
(b) Line of the spectrum
(c) Order of the diffraction pattern
(d) number of lines on grating
20. X-ray powder method is usually carried for
(a) any material
(b) polycrystalline materials
(c) crystalline materials
(d) amorphous materials



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